Thursday 4 August 2011

The Joules Verne Pocket Oracle and Prophecy Machine, Iron Bru and Russian Vodka

The Ghost writer was in his grey office today, so he is no help tonight just a pitiful zombie whimpering on a log in the wood saying things about the continuing cycle of grey each week and the trap created by powers unknown that have created the unending process of the decedent western society we live in and that the entire world wants to live in.

 I have told him to paint his office a rather nice pink and green mottled pattern with seagulls on it, but he is not allowed it must be grey.

Me and the dog tried busking in the wood today but all we got were a few leaves from some passing squirrels and a silver key from a magpie. I am sure the silver key came from our house when the magpies tried to raid it earlier in the book (or the block buster film); maybe he got bored of it after all what would a magpie do with a grimble-spin key. Dad might be pleased to get it back he has not been able to wind the grimble-spin up for a long time and mum assumed dad had lost the key. She was quite pleased to tell the truth it can be very noisy and all that swaying about can make you feel a bit seasick particularly at night when the lights glow and the mist drifts out the top of it. I will give it back to dad a bit later (the grimble-spin key not the mist).

I have asked the Joules Verne Pocket Oracle and Prophecy Machine about the future what with all the house moving and other things going on and it says it is feeling very optimistic. Firstly it is ages since it had the chance to say much having been in my super cylindrical copper office/shed in at the bottom of the garden having to listen to the Grumbling Child trapped in The Pit of Doom. And secondly that things are looking very bright for the future and he thinks that everyone will be buying the book or watching the movie and saying that was rubbish I demand my money back while dad fends them off with the flame thrower and the dog and Pirate Pete eat frozen turkeys and drinks Iron Bru and Russian Vodka purchased with the royalties from the sale of the publishing rights from my diary.  He even thinks all will turn out well for the Ghost Writer who will grow organic potatoes and make really healthy Chip Butties with freshly baked crusty bread and butter straight from the cow (not sure which cow there are lots?). And appear on talk shows where mum can shout IDIOT at him as he tells a pack of lies about how he thought up the whole idea himself. 

Karen Gomm                 I've always loved the word grimble, what does it actually mean?

If you look grimble up it says little although it was a book with something of a parallel line of thought to that of certain other people the grimble-spin is an eccentric machine that achieves nothing in the most complex an inefficient way. A bit like me so for example one could call the government of the day a grimble-spin or grimble-spinners

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