Friday 24 June 2011

10,000 mutant alien dishwasher zombies wearing rubber gloves

A quiet day, me and the dog went off to see the Ghost of Steven Spielberg after school to find out if all was going to return to normal. But the ghost said he had made a bit of a mistake. It appears that dad’s dishwasher was in fact the only one that was safe because the pot noodle remains had killed all the mutant bacteria and it was now too late.
Then as we walked home we were chased by 10,000 mutant alien dishwasher zombies wearing rubber gloves and throwing dishwasher tablets at us. We barricaded ourselves into the house and mum, dad, the dog, Rusty the Robot Dog, Captain Flint, the cats and Mr and Mrs Jenkins and me had a long battle to save the world. We saved the world but it is raining now and the dog said it was a bit like in Lord of the Rings where thousands of mutant things attack three small people, but are defeated and loose only it is sunny there not raining.   Still this is Wales, we love rain?

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