Friday 8 April 2011

lots to do and no time to do it plus a run away Aardvark

It is getting more like summer everyday now, I don’t know how long it will last but hopefully it will be a lovely Easter holiday. Dad is complaining about the logistics of designing and building a new built in desk and moving the entire office while mum sorts out all the end of year paperwork because they are self employed. Then on top of that mum is organising the next exhibition of artwork.

Me and the dog are working on the invitations for the preview of the exhibition which will be held in one of the grand halls in Napoleon Beelzebub’s Very Strange Victorian Curiosity Shop. I am amazed at times just how big his shop can get.  Anyway the dog is not that good at folding and sticking so he got to design it this time and it has been proof read by our proof reader so we know it is OK. And he is now in charge of the printer. He said I GET TO PRESS THE PAUSE BUTTON and then fell about laughing, But I’m sure he tells use this joke at every opportunity and he still thinks it’s really funny. I told him YOUR BARKING MAD but he just fell about laughing even more.

Dad is stuck waiting for paint to dry and has said IT IS LIKE WATCHING PAINT DRY only it is so that makes sense. Heavy Harry the Cat has just tried to bite the second hand off the clock that dad made, everyone else has just thought WHAT???? But Flipper the Wood Mouse has said IDIOT. I don’t think it is a good idea for a wood mouse to say IDIOT to a cat even if the cat is being an idiot. I think Heavy Harry must want feeding again so I will have to go. Ooooo by the way in case anyone is interested I had the FISH & CHIPS last night as they are the best fish and chips in the world and anyway the Aardvark had all gone; not as in run away but eaten. Apparently one of them has run away and is now hiding in the woods, Big Bill said it was a bit fresher than he was expecting and it leap out the box.  

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