Thursday 24 March 2011

English, Sheep, the Flea and Time

At school today we had English and as I can speak English and write English and almost spell English and sort of type English, I drifted off and was watching sheep out of the window. The next thing I know is I am being asked by the English teacher if I was going to be an animal which one would I be and why. I don’t know how we got to that point, last thing I remember we were talking about verbs and descriptive words or stuff like that.

Anyway I said I had been observing the life style of sheep and as a result I would be a sheep, all the other boys had chosen wolfs and tigers lions or snakes and stuff like that well all except Frank who said he would be a FleE and he would be able to bite the teachers and suck their blood out and really irritate them loads. The English teacher said Frank already did that. I think she meant he was irritating not that he sucked out their blood, I hope not anyway I had enough trouble with Mercedes trying to be a vampire. See I’m getting distracted again, anyway the teacher wanted to know why I wanted to be a sheep but I would have thought that was obvious really but I told her I get to eat all day long and only have one haircut and one bath a year and even get to sleep in my jumper.  Anyway the teacher said she had asked me first because she thought I was not listening, that was a bit strange because I thought the other boys had already answered. So then she asked the other boys and they said they wanted to be wolfs and tigers lions or snakes and stuff like that. Then when she got to Frank I said I bet I can tell you what Franks answer was going to be so she got me to write it on a peace of paper before Frank answered. Frank then said he would be a FleE and he would be able to bite the teachers and suck their blood out and really irritate them loads. The English teacher said Frank already did that. I had written all that on my piece of paper even what the teacher said, so the teacher was well impressed in fact the whole class was well impressed. Then Frank said he only said that because he thought I would never get that right and he really wanted to be a Tiger. I can’t work out if the same bit of time happened twice. It would be good if it happened at supper because I could have my supper twice then COOL.

I think I have the wrong sort of Flee I think it’s Flea I would have asked the English teacher but they would have hit me and then I would have to Flee or is it Flea. Still you all understand me; and my proof reader will correct it all in the manuscript or that nice Steven Spielberg will not make the blockbuster movie of the book. I’m sure he will though or the dog says it will eat him.

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